We pride ourselves for the unique service we offer our clients at public auctions.
As we quote (taken and adjusted from “Moneyball” ) elsewhere, ” it is understandably
unorthodox but initially you have to turn your attention from selecting horses to eliminating
them, before you turn back to selecting from a much smaller group of potentially ELITE horses “.
Our FOOLS’ GOLD list of HORSES STATISTICALLY DOOMED TO UNDERPERFORM has been our best seller thus far and it has saved buyers at the top sales millions of dollars! Our list may contain anything between 20 to 40% of the total number of horses offered!

We also offer our own BEST OF SALE list in a similar manner to our competitors. Our list will be split in two parts in a A++/A+ manner and each horse in each part will have an ERSS RATING with the addition of a short commentary on their pedigrees for the A++s. Each part will normally contain about 10 to 15% of the total number of horses offered.

We also do WHOLE CATALOGUES, individually priced based on their size/number of lots.

Fools’ Gold List $150
Best of Sale List $150
Whole Catalogue $***

*individually priced, prices to be posted when the catalogues become final and  available, as a rule of the thumb the cost will be appx. $250 per 500 lots.




For information, fill out the contact form below.

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